Ever have one of those days where your world is grey... there feels like there is no one in the room.. and you're here.. physically, but not mentally? I'm sure you have... and I'm having one of those days.
I woke up... late as usual.. threw on some clothes.. and out I went. Now I sit here working... and I feel (and probably look) like a zombie.. not sure what has gotten into me today. It is rainy out... could be a factor.. or that I'm tired (super tired, stayed up until 1:30 watching Bridesmaids, which I thought was hysterical)
It's just one of those days...
I'm in hoping mode lately... for better, brighter days. I'm hoping that a few things I want start coming my way... hoping. At this moment, hoping is all I think will come out of it... nothing more. I hate that.... You get your hopes up to only feel like they'll just be shot down.. again, and again. It can get the best of you. Something you want... or want to do can fit you so perfectly... but it never happens, so we continue to hope.
I wish the weekend would get here... I think it's going to be filled up pretty nicely... So far it's looking like a bonfire Friday night... shopping Saturday... and working on my gardens Sunday (if it's nice)
It'll be March already... although I'd like to take away the RCH and replace with Y.. that would make me super happy =)
So, since my hubs decided he wants to get a boy puppy in the Fall, I sadly decided to fix Leo. It makes me sad, because through his whole life so far (5 years almost) all I have wanted was to breed him. And, I did try, twice. It was a fail. I think I will just have to suck it up... 1. It is better for him 2. He won't be marking his territory in unwanted places anymore (cough cough our shoes...) and 3. He won't decided to hump every kid he sees.... (hah! Sad, but so true) And it gets on my nerves like you wouldn't believe.. it is sooo wrong, but I will admit can be funny...but soo wrong =) So, I am putting my breeder wants aside, and I am going to get it done before we move... that way he hopefully won't decide to mark up our house.... hump our future kids... and have serious dominance issues with the new pup that will be coming.
But, you know what is holding me back from say doing it tomorrow? The fact that it is going to cost me..... drummm roollllllllll..... $287 FREAKIN DOLLARS.. for a 15 pound dog... WTF?? Like that is a lot of dough... no wonder no one gets there animals fixed, and we have serious over populated humane leagues, etc... maybe if they made it a little more affordable, it wouldn't be such a problem... ugh.. makes me so angry.. But, it's OK.. I shit out 20's everyday.. so it's no biggie for me... noooo problem..
It's just one of those days!
Let's hope the day gets brighter =)
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
Weekend review - scary movies, painting and a home depot trip
Friday night started out hanging with this cool cat...
This is my cousin Devan.. and he can be a riot, such a fun loving human being.
We got pizza and I rented Paranormal Activity 3. He loves scary movies... my husband? Not soo much. But it was a nice evening!
He loves to brush my hair...
I have no objections, I love it!
Saturday was spent painting..
Big surprise huh? The good news is we finished painting (water proofing) the basement. We have a few other tricks up our sleeves and hopefully we can get a handle on this water leaking problems... All I have to say is I am so glad that project is DONE!
That was it for Saturday.. although I did do a little shopping Saturday morning.. getting some coupon deals and such... I love getting $14 off just from coupons.
Sunday.. we did some more work on the house and finished up early, so my Mother and I took a trip to home depot... Yes, this is how I love to spend my Sunday afternoons now, because I'm turning into an old lady. I had to price some stuff out.. and bought a couple items for the house. You know, rain gutter things you put at the bottom to make the water go away from the house, whatever they are called. This is my idea of a good time now I guess, buying gutter things.
And that concluded my short but busy weekend...
Friday, February 24, 2012
Hellooo Friday!
Yesterday was so nice out... it really spoiled me. I just wanted to go outside and take a nice relaxing walk..
That didn't happen..
With obviously being stuck inside all day at work.. and then going home to start painting right away.. I only got to enjoy it for about 30 minutes on my lunch break.
Ohhh Spring, where are you?
Now today, when I am only here half a day.... it is rainy, and yucky.. and it made me angry when I woke up and saw it like this.
Oh well... I can't really be mad at mother nature all day, can I?
On a good note, it is Friday.. and I have a busy weekend ahead of work... oh joy.
Going appliance shopping again to see if there are any new good deals, and will probably be putting an order in for a new couch.. yippee!
Only two more months until we move.... the days can't go fast enough. It's all we talk about.. we're so excited to finally get our own place.. and start our own lives.. just can't get it off my mind. But, I am thankful for being able to start working on the house, before we even move in.. and I am thankful for the last few months to be able to save so we can get nice things... and really start off well. I am thankful... I'm just ready to start the new chapter in my life. It's scary and exciting all at the same time. I know it will be OK... we have friends and family who have been helping through this whole journey, and I know they will be there to help us when the move comes... and many years after. So for that, I am also thankful.
I hope your weekend will be as good and busy as mine will! Or, maybe not, if you want a lazy weekend, then I hope your weekend is as good and not as busy as mine will be!
That didn't happen..
With obviously being stuck inside all day at work.. and then going home to start painting right away.. I only got to enjoy it for about 30 minutes on my lunch break.
Ohhh Spring, where are you?
Now today, when I am only here half a day.... it is rainy, and yucky.. and it made me angry when I woke up and saw it like this.
Oh well... I can't really be mad at mother nature all day, can I?
On a good note, it is Friday.. and I have a busy weekend ahead of work... oh joy.
Going appliance shopping again to see if there are any new good deals, and will probably be putting an order in for a new couch.. yippee!
Only two more months until we move.... the days can't go fast enough. It's all we talk about.. we're so excited to finally get our own place.. and start our own lives.. just can't get it off my mind. But, I am thankful for being able to start working on the house, before we even move in.. and I am thankful for the last few months to be able to save so we can get nice things... and really start off well. I am thankful... I'm just ready to start the new chapter in my life. It's scary and exciting all at the same time. I know it will be OK... we have friends and family who have been helping through this whole journey, and I know they will be there to help us when the move comes... and many years after. So for that, I am also thankful.
I hope your weekend will be as good and busy as mine will! Or, maybe not, if you want a lazy weekend, then I hope your weekend is as good and not as busy as mine will be!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
My next few nights...
This is how I will be spending the rest of my week...
Painting, and looking at this hunk...
I have to admit... the hunk gets me through it.. and the vision of a finished basement too.
But, the painting? Yeah, that sucks...
I'd say in 2 1/2 hours last night we got a quarter of the basement done... it went by fast, and my hands and shoulders were definitely feeling it by the end. But, I'm not one to complain.....that much.
Of course Ryan, being the best husband kept complimenting me on my painting, and was telling me I was doing such a good job... maybe he was afraid I'd give up and leave it all to him.
I would never do that (although, I did think of it.)...this is as much of a dream/vision of mine as it is his, and it feels good to be working on our home, together.
So, if I don't write much this week.. it's probably because this is all my life is consisting of these next couple days... which writing about painting everyday could get boring.
We were having a good time while we painted.. we made sure to bring an iPod player and were singing and dancing while we threw the paint on... so it's not all that bad =)
But, I'll definitely be happy when its over...

Monday, February 20, 2012
Weekend Review - Work, Play and Puppies
The weekends roll by way too fast... I feel like I didn't have enough time to do anything...
But.. that is a lie, in fact.. we got a shit load done.
We worked all weekend on the basement of the house.. scrubbing walls, putting this nasty solution on the wall to get rid of salt build up, and finally finishing up by filling in any cracks or holes in the cement. We also cleaned out the rain gutters, which then made us realize that we have to buy new gutters....
Now, we are ready to waterproof the basement.. this is done with a paint called Drylok, that I am hoping will do the trick. This will probably take us all week to paint.. it's not a small basement.
We did get to have some down time and hang out with some friends Saturday night. We had a bonfire... it was a great night for it. It wasn't too cold, but it was good. There is something about sitting by a bonfire for hours that is just so relaxing... I love it.
Yesterday we also went to look at some dogs... and puppies.. ohhh puppies. Ryan wants to get a German Shorthair pointer, which is a beautiful dog.. not too big, and really loving. He wants a dog for hunting.. and luckily for us I found a breeder only 20 minutes away.. so off we went. They had 3 week old puppies, and they were adorable. We didn't go to get a puppy, more to meet the breeders, see their dogs, meet the dogs and get familiar with the breed. We are not looking to get one to maybe this fall, the next litter, but we wanted to form a relationship, now he will keep us in the loop with the next puppies. Ryan is so excited, and I'm excited for him to get his pup...
Aren't they pretty? I just love the spots..
And so cute as puppies..
I can't wait to get my hands on one of these guys... it gives us something to look forward to in the fall!
I hope this Monday goes fast... along with the rest of this week...
But.. that is a lie, in fact.. we got a shit load done.
We worked all weekend on the basement of the house.. scrubbing walls, putting this nasty solution on the wall to get rid of salt build up, and finally finishing up by filling in any cracks or holes in the cement. We also cleaned out the rain gutters, which then made us realize that we have to buy new gutters....
Now, we are ready to waterproof the basement.. this is done with a paint called Drylok, that I am hoping will do the trick. This will probably take us all week to paint.. it's not a small basement.
We did get to have some down time and hang out with some friends Saturday night. We had a bonfire... it was a great night for it. It wasn't too cold, but it was good. There is something about sitting by a bonfire for hours that is just so relaxing... I love it.
Yesterday we also went to look at some dogs... and puppies.. ohhh puppies. Ryan wants to get a German Shorthair pointer, which is a beautiful dog.. not too big, and really loving. He wants a dog for hunting.. and luckily for us I found a breeder only 20 minutes away.. so off we went. They had 3 week old puppies, and they were adorable. We didn't go to get a puppy, more to meet the breeders, see their dogs, meet the dogs and get familiar with the breed. We are not looking to get one to maybe this fall, the next litter, but we wanted to form a relationship, now he will keep us in the loop with the next puppies. Ryan is so excited, and I'm excited for him to get his pup...
Aren't they pretty? I just love the spots..
And so cute as puppies..
I can't wait to get my hands on one of these guys... it gives us something to look forward to in the fall!
I hope this Monday goes fast... along with the rest of this week...
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Mmmm cupcakes
Oh how I love cupcakes...
Of course I love eating them... but cupcakes are so much fun to make.
These are a white cake with a truffle filling, with white chocolate icing.
I made these for Valentine's Day..

Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valentine's Day
It's been a few days since I have wrote... and it was not to my liking.... but I'm finally back.. and ready to dive in.
I totally missed reading my normal morning reads.. I actually felt a little lost. I guess I can now say I am addicted to Blogger... along with Pinterest and Facebook. I live on these... literally. It's sad.
But, today is suppose to be a happy lovey day... so I'm in a good mood to say the least. Nothing crazy, I'm not one to.."OH MY GOSH IT'S VALENTINE'S DAY...HORRAY" Nope, not me. I won't get offended if Ryan doesn't buy me diamond earrings.. I'll get him a card, and maybe a few other things =) But, I'm not expecting the world, he already gives me that.. not too get too mushy. Valentine's day is definitely overrated.
We decided to go out to dinner... and don't think I'm such a hypocrite, because it's not a fancy thing. It's a special thing. We are actually going to the diner where we had our first date... almost 5 years ago, and haven't been back since. I'm not sure why? It's 15 minutes away... cheap food... good food.. cool atmosphere, I guess we just got lost in life, but were finally going back. So, it might not be expensive fancy, but it is definitely special, so I am excited.
I did get him a gift for V-Day, not your normal, mushy gift, you might even laugh... but it's so him, and why not get him something he will actually like? I never go crazy, but I'll fill you in on it tomorrow. JUST IN CASE my husband actually decides to read this before I see him... (I won't hold my breath)
It should be a nice evening to ourselves =)
Otherwise, it has been a crazy busy week at work... and we've been busily working on the basement of our house... which has come a long way, but is starting to be a BIG PAIN IN THE RUMP.. I keep telling myself it will be all worth it.. even if I can't move the next day...it will all be worth it.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day...
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Counting down the days
I'm counting down the days until we move.... each day seems to go slower and slower...
(tick tock tick tock)
On a good note, we started working on the basement... We'd like to finish it, and it needs a lot of work. So, I am thankful that we got a head start on working on it. It will help out a lot in the end when we move and the basement is hopefully near complete. We will see. I took some before pictures, and I'll take some after pictures to show everyone, it will be interesting to see the before and after!
There are still so many things I want to get done before we move. I'm in the "Well lets try and do as much possible before we move, because we're already going to have a lot to do" mood. And it's like tiny little things that take 5 minutes... but NO they MUST be done now, except they are still sitting there.. . blah. I'm going to get a lot of things done this weekend, because it's bugging me.
I have all these visions for my home...but sometimes worry it won't make it to par with my visions... Will it be nice? Will I be able to do the things I want? Will they GET DONE? A million visions, and a million questions running through my head. But, I'm not your average gal.... when I want something done, it will get done.. because I don't like to push projects aside... (although I admit that it happens sometimes) I'm not perfect people, but I like to think I'm close (harhar)
I'll give you a sneak peak of the before pictures for the basement, they don't show the whole basement, but a good bit of the rooms... it may not look to bad to you, but what ya'll don't know is that it has a serious water leakage problem... thus the reason we are starting to work on it early before moving date...
This is the before of Ryan's going to be Man Cave...

This is the before of what is going to be my craft room...

This is my AFTER vision for my craft room... More going with the colors and relaxing atmosphere.
All in due time!!!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
The new love of my life...
Say hello to the new love of my life...
Finally... is all I have to say.
With my awesome tax money.. I bought myself my very first DSLR..
No, it may not be the cream of the crop, but it's still pretty damn good. Anything is better then a point and shoot. I'm still learning all of the incredible features, I love to take pictures, it's a hobby of mine... So finally getting my hands on a camera like this, makes me sooper dooper excited
(saying this with a BIG cheesy smile on my face)
My husband feels like a model now... it's actually starting to get to his head. He actually talks about his modeling career now, I guess having the camera in his face a lot now as I learn the features of my new love doesn't help. He is a stud though.. it could work out for the both of us... =)
Watch out world...
Monday, February 6, 2012
Weekend Review
I've noticed I really don't think about writing on the weekends, sorry readers. It's not that I don't want to, I'm usually just busy.... or lazy. Probably more lazy. I guess that is why Monday's has turned into my weekend review. I hope you enjoy hearing about my sometimes fun, sometimes boring life...
Friday: I told you all that the husband and I were going to go to the movies and dinner... well that didn't happen. I also told you that we were indecisive.. and that just proved that. When I got home from work Ryan just wasn't feeling going out... so we called in some chinese, grabbed a movie.. and that was how we spent our night. It was nice though...(even if I did want to go out) I'll have to talk him into going out soon...
Saturday: I made a cake for the birthday crew... and then we headed over to my in-laws for the evening. We had a nice evening hanging with the family and enjoying their company... and the cake, was a huge success, it was so good. It even snowed a little, making it sort of feel like winter again...
Sunday: It was a lazy day, sort of. I did some cleaning.. some packing.. odds and ends... and then had a nice superbowl dinner of course and watched the game. Honestly, I only watch the game for the commercials. I don't really care about football... and thankfully neither does my husband (lucky girl I'd like to think!) I'd have to say here are my top commercials....
1. The Doritos commercial with the Great Dane... it's funny that usually we are the ones bribing the dogs with food!
2. The M&M commercial, it was a cute/ funny way to introduce the new M&M.
3. The Sandman.. A dream car.. This has to be how guys dream...
4. The Doritos Sling baby commercial, so cute!
5. PepsiMax Commercial... sucks for that guy!
Friday: I told you all that the husband and I were going to go to the movies and dinner... well that didn't happen. I also told you that we were indecisive.. and that just proved that. When I got home from work Ryan just wasn't feeling going out... so we called in some chinese, grabbed a movie.. and that was how we spent our night. It was nice though...(even if I did want to go out) I'll have to talk him into going out soon...
Saturday: I made a cake for the birthday crew... and then we headed over to my in-laws for the evening. We had a nice evening hanging with the family and enjoying their company... and the cake, was a huge success, it was so good. It even snowed a little, making it sort of feel like winter again...
Sunday: It was a lazy day, sort of. I did some cleaning.. some packing.. odds and ends... and then had a nice superbowl dinner of course and watched the game. Honestly, I only watch the game for the commercials. I don't really care about football... and thankfully neither does my husband (lucky girl I'd like to think!) I'd have to say here are my top commercials....
1. The Doritos commercial with the Great Dane... it's funny that usually we are the ones bribing the dogs with food!
2. The M&M commercial, it was a cute/ funny way to introduce the new M&M.
3. The Sandman.. A dream car.. This has to be how guys dream...
4. The Doritos Sling baby commercial, so cute!
5. PepsiMax Commercial... sucks for that guy!
Friday, February 3, 2012
Happy Happy Birthdays!
Today is the big birthday day.... My sweet husband is 23.
It is also my mother in law and father in law's birthdays. It's the big 50 for the FIL... (shhhh don't tell him I told you)
Tonight the hubby and I will go out to dinner and see a movie. We were debating what movie to see last night.. and finally came to a conclusion between two. I guess we will see which one we actually decide to watch. Still haven't decided where we will eat either... hmmm.. we are so indecisive.
Overall it will be a nice weekend... spending some one on one time with my love (we hardly ever go out on date nights) and then spending some time with his family tomorrow to celebrate the whole entourage of birthdays. I'm making them all a cake... I'll put pics up of it later.
And then it's Superbowl Sunday... I'm not going to lie, I only watch it for the commercials. Hopefully, they are better then last year.. and hopefully Madonna puts on a good show. Don't want to be disappointed again!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Here is a picture for the books...
Ryan at his 21st birthday.. passed out on the floor, and yes that is a bag under his head...(just in case)
Can't believe it's been 2 years already!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
What can motivate me?
I've been sort of stuck on this road... at a Y....
As I stare at the sign one reads "You're being lazy"
The other reads "You can do this, get off your ass"
But, I still stand there.. like I don't know how to read.
I need a little motivation in my life, motivation to continue my diet and workout. Although, I admit I am still doing good on the diet, it's just the working out part. I do zumba a few times a week, but it's just not enough. I've hit that brick wall. I guess that can be normal after losing 50 pounds. I just got to get over that hump.
On a good note, there is a gym opening up 10 minutes from my house.. which intend to join. It's suppose to be a good gym, and the nice thing about it is when you are a member, you are a member of all and can use any of them. Which is nice considering there is one right up by my work too (winner!) It's a 24/7 gym, so I can go whenever my heart desires, I like the idea of that. So, I'm excited for the gym to open (it said sometime in February) Hopefully, it is soon.
And hopefully that gets my butt in gear... gotta get thru this brick wall.
I decided to find some motivation...Pinterest is good for that. Here is what I found... I need to tell myself these things everyday.
Have a wonderful day!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
A goal for 2012
In my last post I talked about the bundle that I bought full of goodies... I've been thinking about this for the last couple days. Even though I still got the items at a discounted price... it is not enough! You all know how I like my deals... I am constantly updating my sweet deals page, which you should check out! But, I've decided I want to become a extreme couponer!!! This is one goal for myself in 2012...to become a super saver. I need to study up on this... but I will fill you in with how it goes with my journey to become a EC.... I'm totally excited. It seems like it could be a lot of work, but it's totally worth it.. I just need to make a game plan. Check back on my sweet deals page for updates and how I am doing.
This week is the week of the birthdays. You guys are going to drop your jaw if you don't know this already.....
My husband's birthday is this Friday.. he will be 23! I'm not sure what we are doing yet... maybe dinner and a movie? We will see....
But... this Friday is also his mom's birthday.... oh and don't forget... his DAD'S birthday too! Yes, all three of them have the exact same birthday. Crazy right? It only makes for having to think of triple the gifts... but then our little nephew came along almost 3 years ago.. and he was born on February 5th! oy vey... my sister in law actually went into labor on the 3rd... thank the lord she held him in. When I have kids... you better be damn sure I will plan to stay away from February as BEST I can. So, I am in the yearly mad rush of, what should I get them... and them... and them... and them...? It's never ending.. and my wallet is feeling the pain. It's the crazy birthday month..... but it's fun all the same! I will be making them a cake for Saturday.. which is when all of us will be getting together to celebrate. I'll be sure to put up a picture of it... it's going to be super yummy!
I've also decided that my left over tax money (after buying couches) will be used to buy a brand spankin' new DSLR camera... I can't wait! I've only ever had the cheesy digital cameras, which don't get me wrong, work just fine.. But I love taking pictures (a lot) And it's a hobby I'd like to get into more... so I'll get a camera and go from there! I can't wait! I might even get an iPad if I have some extra money leftover after that.. It's like Christmas over here... yippee!
Happy middle of the week!
This week is the week of the birthdays. You guys are going to drop your jaw if you don't know this already.....
My husband's birthday is this Friday.. he will be 23! I'm not sure what we are doing yet... maybe dinner and a movie? We will see....
But... this Friday is also his mom's birthday.... oh and don't forget... his DAD'S birthday too! Yes, all three of them have the exact same birthday. Crazy right? It only makes for having to think of triple the gifts... but then our little nephew came along almost 3 years ago.. and he was born on February 5th! oy vey... my sister in law actually went into labor on the 3rd... thank the lord she held him in. When I have kids... you better be damn sure I will plan to stay away from February as BEST I can. So, I am in the yearly mad rush of, what should I get them... and them... and them... and them...? It's never ending.. and my wallet is feeling the pain. It's the crazy birthday month..... but it's fun all the same! I will be making them a cake for Saturday.. which is when all of us will be getting together to celebrate. I'll be sure to put up a picture of it... it's going to be super yummy!
I've also decided that my left over tax money (after buying couches) will be used to buy a brand spankin' new DSLR camera... I can't wait! I've only ever had the cheesy digital cameras, which don't get me wrong, work just fine.. But I love taking pictures (a lot) And it's a hobby I'd like to get into more... so I'll get a camera and go from there! I can't wait! I might even get an iPad if I have some extra money leftover after that.. It's like Christmas over here... yippee!
Happy middle of the week!
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