Born on October 23rd, 2013 at 9:04 pm at 8 pounds and 7 ounces, 21 inches long.
You can read his birth story here.

He's perfect, adorable, and such a good good baby. We really lucked out with our first one, because he couldn't be any better.
The love I have for this little boy is crazy.. he's filled a hole in me that I never knew was missing. He's made us a family. Our sweet little boy.
Our first addition to the Hudler Home
It has been a dream of mine, for a long long time to have a baby. I knew one day I would be a Momma, and I was excited for that day. I knew it wasn't going to be easy for me. Suffering from PCOS and many specialist appointments, I was told by 2 doctors I'd never have a baby, and from others that it would be hard, I would need help. I wasn't going to let that tear down my dreams, although a few times I was scared.
We were finally ready, to start a family... so after many tests, and DR apts I finally started on the journey of fertility. And to my surprise and ONE round later... hello positive test! I was beyond ecstatic, scared, anxious, happy, joyful, every emotion in the book, and so was Daddy to be.
We found out our sweet little gift was going to be a boy, we named him Kayden. He is due to arrive October 27th, 2013... But he can come a little earlier if he wants of course.
You can read about our journey of creating life in THIS post.
I cannot wait to meet our little boy... he is a healthy, active, and above average big boy so far. I just can't wait to get my hands on him.
The place we made a home...
For months we waited, we saved, we dreamed. 7 months after our wedding, we finally got the chance to move into our very own home, our first home together. It was perfect... and needed lots of fix-ups, but we knew that we would make it ours, and we have, after many days of hard work, and many more to come. We are making this house, our home.
The Start of the rest of our lives...
September 24, 2011 marks the day I became Mrs. Hudler. It was perfect, amazing, and simply a dream come true.
The day was beautiful, and the rain held away (it was suppose to rain all day) and the sun was shining. I arrived early that day after getting our hair done. There was a few small items that had to be finished up, so there I was running around in my spanks, but all the while I was calm... so calm. I believe that at one point my bridesmaids pointed out that they were more nervous then I was.
I was ready.
After hours of sitting around, getting my makeup done, and getting into that dress (which was a serious task) It was time.
The music started... the girls walked out. And my dad asked if I was ready... I was definitely ready. I was walking down to my future, my best friend and soul mate, I couldn't be any more ready.
There was smiles all around me... but the smile on his face was priceless, and the light in his eyes I knew I was ready.
Our ceremony was super quick, only lasting about 15 minutes (just the way I wanted it)
After being announced as Mr. & Mrs. Hudler... we took our first walk as husband and wife down the isle, I was so happy.
As we finally got outside, we just looked at each other in amazement, like "That really just happened"
As for the rest of the night? Well.. it consisted of lots of pictures, great food, some good (and bad) dancing.. and just a plain good old time.
She said yes!
On February 27th, 2011, the love of my life of 4 years asked me to marry him... of course I said yes! I couldn't imagine my life any other way! He is the glue that keeps me together.
Of course, everyone wants to hear the "how did he ask you" story... well its not a crazy one, but its pretty darn cute.
Ryan {the fiance} took me to a place called Turkey Point, its a great place near the Chesapeake river, with an awesome hike. You walk about a mile up the cliff to where the old lighthouse is... we had been there a couple times before. We were planning to have a picnic to celebrate 4 wonderful years together. As we finally made it to the top, we stopped to take a look at the lighthouse, and of course take some pictures. Ryan wanted to get a nice picture of us together with the river behind us... so there was another couple there walking by and Ryan politely asked them to take a picture of us, of course they said yes. As I waited for the picture, Ryan was struggling to pull something out of his jacket.. to my surprise... it was a ring! He then got down on one knee and asked the big question, all the while the couple were taking pictures of us. So, lucky me I got to capture the special moment all on camera! Everyone was joyed to be able to see the exact moment he asked me to marry him, I'd like to think it was pretty clever of him.
So, we set a date - September 24th, 2011.
Quick engagement right? Yep! I couldn't be more excited... it's just around the corner now. So much to do, and so little time to do it. Things are going very well though. We have mostly everything ready to go, now its just sweating the little stuff. Somehow, the little stuff is the stuff that makes you stress the most! Although, I have faith that everything will go according to plan (so I hope)! So... here we are, getting married.. the true journey of a lifetime.
Keep checking back to see the journey Ryan and I take through this bumpy road called Life... it could get interesting!
The beginning... to no end.
February 24th, 2007... boy met girl... girl liked boy.. boy liked girl.. the rest? Well that's just history.
I met the love of my life while I was an eleventh grader in high school. I went to a Benefit Concert with a friend, just to get out of the house for a bit. Little did I know, my life would change forever. Ryan and I hit it off instantly... he was a funny, sweet, good looking guy, and I needed someone like him in my life at that moment. We had a great time that night... then it was time to go. Once the concert was over, things got a little hectic and we were both lost in the crowd.
So... I left..
As I got into the car... it just didn't feel right. We didn't get to say goodbye, and I didn't have his number! I said to my friend, "I cant leave." He knew right then why, and said "I'll be right back."
Well, a few minutes later, out comes Ryan - with a big grin on his face. (Later he told me, he had stayed behind looking for me)
His line? "I lost my number, can I have yours?"
yessss.... the best pick up line in the world.
Well, it worked.. and it made me smile.
After that moment, we were in-separable, and we still are 4 years later.
Our first picture together. |
We look so young! |