Monday, February 6, 2012

Weekend Review

I've noticed I really don't think about writing on the weekends, sorry readers. It's not that I don't want to, I'm usually just busy.... or lazy. Probably more lazy. I guess that is why Monday's has turned into my weekend review. I hope you enjoy hearing about my sometimes fun, sometimes boring life...

Friday: I told you all that the husband and I were going to go to the movies and dinner... well that didn't happen. I also told you that we were indecisive.. and that just proved that. When I got home from work Ryan just wasn't feeling going out... so we called in some chinese, grabbed a movie.. and that was how we spent our night. It was nice though...(even if I did want to go out) I'll have to talk him into going out soon...

Saturday: I made a cake for the birthday crew... and then we headed over to my in-laws for the evening. We had a nice evening hanging with the family and enjoying their company... and the cake, was a huge success, it was so good. It even snowed a little, making it sort of feel like winter again...

Sunday: It was a lazy day, sort of. I did some cleaning.. some packing.. odds and ends... and then had a nice superbowl dinner of course and watched the game. Honestly, I only watch the game for the commercials. I don't really care about football... and thankfully neither does my husband (lucky girl I'd like to think!) I'd have to say here are my top commercials....

1. The Doritos commercial with the Great Dane... it's funny that usually we are the ones bribing the dogs with food!

2. The M&M commercial, it was a cute/ funny way to introduce the new M&M.

3. The Sandman.. A dream car.. This has to be how guys dream...

4. The Doritos Sling baby commercial, so cute!

5. PepsiMax Commercial... sucks for that guy!

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