Thursday, February 2, 2012

What can motivate me?

I've been sort of stuck on this road... at a Y.... 

As I stare at the sign one reads "You're being lazy"  

The other reads "You can do this, get off your ass"

But, I still stand there.. like I don't know how to read.

I need a little motivation in my life, motivation to continue my diet and workout. Although, I admit I am still doing good on the diet, it's just the working out part. I do zumba a few times a week, but it's just not enough. I've hit that brick wall. I guess that can be normal after losing 50 pounds. I just got to get over that hump. 

On a good note, there is a gym opening up 10 minutes from my house.. which intend to join. It's suppose to be a good gym, and the nice thing about it is when you are a member, you are a member of all and can use any of them. Which is nice considering there is one right up by my work too (winner!) It's a 24/7 gym, so I can go whenever my heart desires, I like the idea of that. So, I'm excited for the gym to open (it said sometime in February) Hopefully, it is soon.

And hopefully that gets my butt in gear... gotta get thru this brick wall.

I decided to find some motivation...Pinterest is good for that. Here is what I found... I need to tell myself these things everyday.

Have a wonderful day! 

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