Ahhh the joy's of finding out the sex of your little baby... not me of course, I'm not pregnant. BUT, one of my oldest, bestest friend's is, and today she got to find out what her bundle of joy will be... It's a girl!! I am sooo sooo sooo {I'm sure you get the point} happy for her!! Her name will be Riley Mae, isn't that just the cutest name ever?!
Now, I am sure there are some of you out there that find joy in not knowing what your baby will be, and I give PROPS to you! I am to impatient of a person to do that, I just can't wait for things! So, I know when I have the pleasure of becoming a mom, finding out what it will be will be top on my priority list. I guess having it being a surprise is like Christmas night, you never know what you are going to get, and if you did, it is because you peeked, and that's not always that fun. It seems hard to compare the two, but I think it's close enough. There is also that feeling of being able to have everything ready in pink or blue ... having the clothes, and just being ready as well. But, once again if you decide not to know, it's all in the fun of just, well... not knowing.
Although... there is that chance the doctor can be wrong. And all the while you think you are having a little girl, when POP, out comes a little boy. Then what? I don't even know what I would do?! I'd be hoping that I have receipts for everything, or that little boy will be wearing pink for a long time! =) Yet, at that really matters is that a beautiful healthy baby comes out, even if you were told the wrong sex (you'd eventually get over it once you see that face)
It's weird... my bestie having a baby. Not in a bad weird, just a weird. Makes me start to feel old (even if I am only 21) It's like, wow, I've known her for like 13 years... I remember when we were just small kids, being dumb. Now, we are growing up.. starting our lives.. and moving on. All the while, still continuing to grow our relationship. (smile) This is what life is about... growing old... growing families.. and growing relationships. I love it.
Congrats to her and her husband, may they have many, many years of happiness and poopy diapers!
Happy Thursday (the weekend is just around the corner!)
I didn't realize you were only 21! You totally pass for older than that (not in a bad way, just a mature way:) )
ReplyDeleteD & I have agreed we will ALWAYS find out the sex of our babies. We had the best best best technician ever and she was 100% certain it was a girl, and well, she was obviously right :) We think it's like christmas the day you go and find out, and then it gives you an extra boost of excitement to finish the nursery, buy clothes, decorate, etc. I have NO patience to EVER wait.