Friday, July 22, 2011

Holy Hot!

I am located in PA... southern end.. and it is hotter then Hell out there today. My car read 104, online says to be around 100, well it definitely hit that mark plus some. Online it reads that with the heat index, it feels as if it is 116 outside. That is no exaggeration, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was hotter. eww, that is all I have to say. I walk outside and I am gasping for air.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE THE SUMMER! I love the smells, the activities, and just the overall fun of summer. But, it is days like this where I wish I didn't live in PA.. if you don't live here, hear me out. Now, I'm not one to be like "oh its worse here then it is there," not trying to have it come across like that. 
During the winter, my brother and I were talking about this subject... our state. We decided that overall PA gets a little bit of everything.. we really do get to experience every season how it is suppose to be experienced. We have Spring.. coldish.. rainy.. but just right.. In the summer (as you can tell) It gets hot.. sometimes, hotter than Hell... Fall is one of my favorites, it is the cool part of the year, that is almost like Spring.. but just with different colors of course. Then we have Winter... no we don't get snow like up north, but we can get snow like up North, and when we do.. its all at once! So... in perspective where I am located, we get to experience everything.. sometimes the good and sometimes the bad. That is why I love it here so much (except days like this of course)


I saw this on today.. and I wanted to share it with you all. It is about how HOT your car can get.

These numbers are going off a hot, but normal day at 90 degrees.
  • Within 10 minutes, yes 10 minutes your car is already at 109 degrees!
  • At 20 minutes, it spikes up 10 more degrees to 119
  • Then at 30 minutes it is at 124 degrees.
  • When it hits an hour.. your car is at 133 degrees!!! That is 43 above the outside temps!
  • After an hour and a half (90 minutes) your car is reaching at about 138 degrees... OVEN TEMPERATURES people... You could seriously bake a ham in your car.

This is why you should NEVER, EVER leave a pet, or heaven help us a child in a car.. even if it is for only ten minutes you can see the car is at 109 degrees... (this is at a 90 degree day, could you imagine what it would be on a day like today that is ten degrees hotter?)

They then have this statistic, "Since 1998 at least 464 infants and children have died in hot vehicles in the United States." ( That just saddens me.

So, if you see people who are doing this.. please be sure to step up and do something. This is life and death in these situations. It's crazy to think people out there do this, but they do! Sometimes, people just don't  think.

Enough about depressing statistics... it is the weekend peeps - so go ahead and enjoy it! I know I will! Be on the lookout for my jammed pack day tomorrow and my Sunday Funday post!

(Don't forget to drink lots of water too)



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