Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A goal for 2012

In my last post I talked about the bundle that I bought full of goodies... I've been thinking about this for the last couple days. Even though I still got the items at a discounted price... it is not enough! You all know how I like my deals... I am constantly updating my sweet deals page, which you should check out! But, I've decided I want to become a extreme couponer!!! This is one goal for myself in become a super saver. I need to study up on this... but I will fill you in with how it goes with my journey to become a EC.... I'm totally excited. It seems like it could be a lot of work, but it's totally worth it.. I just need to make a game plan. Check back on my sweet deals page for updates and how I am doing.

This week is the week of the birthdays. You guys are going to drop your jaw if you don't know this already.....

My husband's birthday is this Friday.. he will be 23! I'm not sure what we are doing yet... maybe dinner and a movie? We will see....

But... this Friday is also his mom's birthday.... oh and don't forget... his DAD'S birthday too! Yes, all three of them have the exact same birthday. Crazy right? It only makes for having to think of triple the gifts... but then our little nephew came along almost 3 years ago.. and he was born on February 5th! oy vey... my sister in law actually went into labor on the 3rd... thank the lord she held him in. When I have kids... you better be damn sure I will plan to stay away from February as BEST I can. So, I am in the yearly mad rush of, what should I get them... and them... and them... and them...? It's never ending.. and my wallet is feeling the pain. It's the crazy birthday month..... but it's fun all the same! I will be making them a cake for Saturday.. which is when all of us will be getting together to celebrate. I'll be sure to put up a picture of it... it's going to be super yummy!

I've also decided that my left over tax money (after buying couches) will be used to buy a brand spankin' new DSLR camera... I can't wait! I've only ever had the cheesy digital cameras, which don't get me wrong, work just fine.. But I love taking pictures (a lot) And it's a hobby I'd like to get into more... so I'll get a camera and go from there! I can't wait! I might even get an iPad if I have some extra money leftover after that.. It's like Christmas over here... yippee!

Happy middle of the week!

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