What I enjoy most about my home, is the quietness... the beauty of acres of farmland, woods, the fact that we have our space. Our roads not completely bare, there are houses on it, we have a neighbor behind us, and a soon to be house on the other back side where they sold some land (not happy about that) but after our house, it's my parents farm, and more farms... and sometimes just nothing. I love that.
View from front of house |
Ryan and I could never be city people, there's nothing wrong with that, we just couldn't do it. I like to think we like the quiet, simpleness of life. We like to, and are striving each year to be more self-sufficient. With our gardening, Ryan hunting, and raising animals that could potentially keep us fed if anything were to happen. We like making our meals from our home grown food, and trying to do things around the house to make us more efficient.
I believe we're the type of people that if the world were to go to crap, we would be just fine. We'd have each other, and everything to keep us going (just about, still working on some aspects) I wouldn't call us "preppers" like some of the shows you see on TV, although we do have some prepper stuff on hand, you know, just in case. We like to call ourselves independent... the fact that we would love to have a place off in the woods, alone, living off the land would be great... but I'd miss my family too much, and my friends... and that is why we stay here.
Ryan building the wood shed for our fire wood for Winter |
Our life may not be exactly how we dream, but we're working towards making it pretty darn close. The things we love may not be for everyone, and that is perfectly fine, as we don't hold it against anyone for doing things the way they want. Luckily, Ryan and I share a mutual agreement on how we want to do things in our lives, how we picture home-life at it's finest.
I'm not saying we're perfect at this life, that we want to be hermits and have no contact with the outside world. We still go to the grocery store obviously, still buy clothes (because I suck at sewing anyways) but if there is anything that we can do that can save us some money, or help keep us going one more day without the need of help from someone or something else, then we are all for it.
If we got caught in a time travel device and landed back in time where there was no electricity, and people relied on each other and the land, I'd like to think that we might be happy... we wouldn't have all the luxuries we have today, but I think we would do alright, and I hope that our son as he grows aquires these skills, because who knows what he will see in his lifetime, who knows what this crazy world will bring to us.
Sitting on my back patio, drinking coffee in the crisp air, hearing the calls of our quail (so cute) and having this view? I love it. I'm proud to say that we know who we are, or at least, who we are striving to be. I mean, we're just starting out, we're young, but in time we'll have everything how we want at our home, one piece at a time. What do you love most about your home-life?