Monday, July 30, 2012

Take a chance on life

Recently, I had the opportunity to try something great... a chance to maybe, just maybe, change my life.

The possibilities? Endless.

I'm so ready for a change in my life... and I believe this could be it. For once in my life, I can see myself being where I want to be. This won't obviously happen over night... but in time, I could be there.

I'll of course share more in time.. because I believe this opportunity I was given, could not only help me physically and financially.. but I believe it could help many of you also.

Sometimes we have to take risks to get to where we want to be. You're dreams are only as far as you can reach, the hardest part is actually reaching out to grab them.

Well, I'm reaching out.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Just been one of those weeks..

You ever think back when you were younger and how you use to imagine your life? Where you would be now, what you'd be doing? Has it ever been completely off track?

Not mine, to a point.

Everyone dreams of a perfect life, the one they just know they will have. Mine might not be completely perfect, because lord knows we all have faults and things we wish we're a tad bit different, but all in all? I'd say mines going pretty well.

I've found who I need in my life and who I want in my life.. I've found the ones that want to be in my life and the ones that don't. Life is all about the people that come and go.., and I can't hold on to it all, even if I want to. Needs and wants are two different things.

Honestly, I don't know where I'd be without my amazing husband. He lights up my world, and gives me something to look forward to seeing every morning and every night when I get home from work. He is truly my everything. We may not have it all or have this perfect life as some might see it, but as long as I have him, nothing else matters. He makes my life perfect.

It's just been one of those days where all I can think about is the negative in my life... I bitch and moan deep down but keep that smile on my face. But, when I really sit here and think about how blessed I truly am... It's because I'm looking into those cute brown eyes and suddenly everything will be ok,

Sappy... I know, but isn't there at least someone or something in every ones life they feel this way about? If you say no, then maybe it's time you looked around and figured that one thing that just makes everything worth wild. Something you can hold onto forever, that something that makes your life all that much better.

I'll still think about how I wish things would go this or that way.. But I'll always have him by my side... Trudging through the thick dark waters with me, and somehow he makes it all crystal clear.

He is all I need.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

No life it seems...

It seems any more these days that I feel like I have no life...

This whole living on your own, it can be time consuming, seriously. I'm sure most of you get it, or are thinking that I am being a big baby, oh well.

Don't get me wrong, I love everyday. I love having our own space, doing our things, living our lives... but sometimes I would love to be able to come home and relax. I'm pretty sure this word relax will never happen again in my life, especially when we decide to start a family. I might as well get use to it now.

I love being busy.. that's definitely my thing. I would probably go crazy if I just sat at home all day and didn't do anything... my mind has to constantly be going. So, it's no big deal.

Maybe its because I feel I get home late (6ish?) Which isn't like super late, but later then most... even if I got home an hour earlier I would feel I had so much more time to do things. I come home... clean up the kitchen, make dinner, and by time it's done.. it is almost 8 o'clock. Just like it is now... and I just finished making dinner. Although, I have to say I make some kicking dinners, the husband is always impressed. On tonights menu? Poor man crab cakes... they are made with zucchini.. the cheap way, and let me tell you, we have zucchini coming out our ears from our garden. I decide to TRIPLE the batch, because that is just how any zucchinis we have. BUT, instead of just zucchini cakes, I decided to spice it up a bit and put a little bit of actual crab meat in them. My Poor man's crab cakes are more like.. Semi-poor man's crab cakes. Yummm.. We'll probably eat 1 batch and freeze the other 2 for another meal.. win.

We have been busy keeping up with the garden.. just look below at what we picked last night. On top of already 8 quarts of green beans I froze over the weekend. We will be set for winter I think.

We've also been pretty busy working on this... something we have been wanting to put into my flower/herb garden. A pretty fish pond! We got a great deal on this pond, too good to pass up! We finally got it in, with lots of work.

Of course, Ryan thought it would make for a great pool... it be more like a hot tub in this heat. But, couldn't pass up a photo on this..

Life is good.. busy, but good. 


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Here and there...

Today kind of sucked... Had an upset stomach all day.. Even went home early.. Yuck. Pretty much sat around on my couch all afternoon.

I have to say it felt nice, besides my stomach. I don't think I've yet to lay on my couch like that since we moved. Gasp... Too much to do. Would have really been nice if I was feeling good.

I watched for half an hour about lottery winners... What I wouldn't give to win the lotto.. I think there would be lots of time to lay on my couch then..(sigh)

Tomorrows Friday, which is great. I got a busy weekend ahead, but I'm pretty sure I say that about every weekend.

Our friends are coming down from up state and us girls are going to get fitted for their wedding... Should be fun :) its an exciting time for her!

It's crazy that Ryan and I are coming up on our one year anniversary... Where has the time gone? It seems just yesterday I was walking down the isle... (sigh again) we have some plans about what were gonna do... Definitely doing something our style.. Well see when it comes up.. Still have about two months..

Boy does time fly...

So has this night.. Time for me to settle down and get into bed soon... Have a great weekend everyone!

Amber lee

Monday, July 9, 2012

How Summer flies

Every notice how quick Summer comes, and feels like it goes?

It doesn't help that we really only have about 3 months of true summer. You know, the hot, hot days where you just want to dunk your head into a bucket of ice? We're nearly half way through July and I can't help but wonder what I have really done this summer.

It has been a crazy one... our first summer in our own home, doing our own things.. working in the flowers beds when it's so hot I can hardly breath.. I won't go into too much detail.

So, that is something big I've done this summer thus far.. a summer I will never forget. A summer full of new beginnings, struggles, ups and downs, and everything in between. Although, we are kind of halfway done with summer (in my eyes-September 1st marks Fall to me) I can't wait for the next season for us to experience in our new home. Fall is my favorite summer.

BUT... I don't want Summer to hurry up and go, not just yet. I have a few more things I need to get done in this house.. before the Holiday season quickly approaches. I have more flowers that need planted, more landscaping that needs done.. more BBQs and get togethers. More late nights on our patio, with a fire going and smores..more more more. Don't leave quite yet Summer, I'm not done with you.

It's been super hot here lately, and we get a nice break this week.. only the mid-80s. That will be nice. I have a project (for my garden of course) that I want to start working on soon... it'll be fun.. just another one to add to the list. I've actually started to get my scrapbooking/craft room in order... kinda. Step by step things gradually get done, and another project moves up the list. I've been told that will never end.. I'm OK with that. I think it's fun to do things around the house, change things, fix things, make it our own...who wouldn't?

Enjoy the summer while it's here... I need to make a few more beach trips before I consider myself Summered out, if that's a word...

Which is why I'll definitely be making a beach trip next Saturday.. oh yes, it's on the agenda. Unfortunately, I'm unable to actually go on a weeks worth of vacation.. so day trips and over night trips will have to do.. I can handle that. We make the most out of everything while we can. That's what's great about us... it's the little things that count.

Hopefully, this week flies by... but not too fast. Off to BBQ dinner!


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July everyone!

Today has been a nice relaxing day. Ryan and I went to a local lake where we boated, he fished and I tanned. It was nice, although it was really hot today.. It turned out to be a nice day just us.

After we came home in the later afternoon we fell asleep... Accidentally! I neverrr take naps, but that sun bearing down on us all day really makes you tired!

Luckily, dinner was at my moms tonight so I didn't have to get up and make anything. Love that my mom is my neighbor...

Hope everyone has or is having a great day.

Thank you to all of the men and women who have faught, are, or will be fighting for our country. Without you, we wouldn't have a country as we do now. Happy independence day to you.

Sunday, July 1, 2012


This week has been hectic of course. Our new dog Mayzie is settling in really good. Leo is actually starting to like her some :) I caught him playing with her... And then he stopped when I saw.. Sneaky little thing, such a front.

Friday night I went out to dinner with my mother in law.. It was real nice. We finished the night with dessert at the movie theaters where we went and saw Magic Mike. Woowzerss, Channing tatum, stripping? Oh yes. Honestly, it would have been a pretty boring movie without the dance scenes, definitely mAde it worth wild .

I sent this to my husband during the day before i went and saw the movie...
I thought it was funny... And luckily he has the same sense of humor I do and thought it was funny as well.

Yesterday we went to the Freedomfest near our house to watch some fireworks.. I always loved seeing fireworks...

Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July week. Thank you for all of the men and women out there fighting for our freedom.