I do a lot of online shopping as well, it's convenient right? So, of course why would I not look up a few coupons before checking out...I always do.
Being the big coupon lover I am, I was asked to review this website... couponchief.com. I have to admit, I had never heard of it before, and man, I wish I would have!
It's quite a nice site, charming even. I love how easy to navigate it is. Most of the time when I come across a "online coupon" site, it's so fishy... and most of the time they never work! Most of them you also have to click a link to another link to even reveal the possible coupon. On couponchief.com the codes are right there for you in plain view... so easy!
They have some big names available with some great coupons. Stores like BestBuy, HP, Expedia, Target, DollarGeneral, and Walgreens just to name a few. They have over 15,000 stores on their website dishing out over 50,000 different coupons! It's also one of the fastest growing coupon sites right now, if you are like me and love to save a few dollars, you have to check it out!
It doesn't just stop there, they also allow YOU to upload coupons and share them! They even offer a program called Pays-2-Share, where whenever you upload a coupon and someone downloads your coupon you get 2% of the sales!! Hello?! Easy money?!? Not only are you making a little dough off of sharing a great coupon, others are able to save off of it as well! I like to consider that sharing the wealth!
Here is some info on their Pays-2-Share program:
Did I mention it's FREE? Yes, sign up and get all the coupons your heart desires!
Would you like to learn more about couponchief.com? Click here for a video... They really do make things easy for you!
Here are a few examples of some of the great coupons you can get...
What do you think? Some great deals right? I already see a few I will definitely be using.
Take a peek here at a list of all the stores offering coupons on their site!
I hope you will consider checking out couponchief.com! I think you will enjoy the ease of navigating the site, and finding some coupons at your favorite online stores. I know I will!!!
They also have a Facebook!
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