Christmas was a success... it's always nice to have the time off with family and friends, but always so jam packed.
Christmas Eve morning was spent at the in laws exchanging gifts with my sister in law and nephew... at almost 3 he is so funny to watch open presents. I being the smart aunt, let him open up all of the boring gifts first... you know, clothes and books and such. Which was even funnier when he opened them and just looked at me and said, "open another?" But, when he opened up the car set from none other then his favorite movie Cars, well that was a "OOOHHHHH!" And it was hard to get him away from it to open the rest of his gifts.
Christmas morning is always so relaxing and nice... we wake up and have some breakfast and sit and drink our coffee while listening to Christmas music... waited until my brother finally arrived then dished out all of the Christmas gifts. This is an almost 2 hour gift opening session.. for 5 of us. I can't imagine how it will be when we have kids... oh boy.
I got some great gifts... mostly household items for the hubby and I to use when we finally move out. So even when I told people that I got a handheld vacuum for Christmas and they chuckled, I was indeed VERY happy with my present. Guess that can only mean one thing... I'm getting old. Although, I did notice that I think my mother favors my husband more then me. Not that I care he totally got more gifts (more expensive ones too) Nope... not at all.... but seriously, I think she does. Does make me chuckle a little.
I am also super grateful for all that I get for Christmas... and I just love the look on my families face as they open my gifts. Ryan did tell me the night before that he was, and I quote.."scared to see what I got him." WHAT, REALLY? I told him don't you worry, and as he opened up all my gifts with a grin from ear to ear.. I told him.."Don't ever doubt my gifting skills" He totally agreed.
Afterwards, we head back to Ryans parents, do our thing there... see his grandparents, and then it's back to my parents for dinner.
Unfortunately, my mom caught a bug and I was left to finish dinner by myself to make sure I fed the drooling, hungry boys.. it was a success, so no one was left hungry.
It goes all too fast though... I wish Christmas day would last forever, although I might get sick of it after awhile.. it just hits you after Christmas that another year is almost already gone, and I always ask myself, "Where has the time gone?"
I hope everyone else had a very merry and successful Christmas!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Some love to go around
Merry Christmas Eve! Even at 22, I am like a little kid on Christmas Eve... I am so excited. But, not for me - I just love the joy of giving gifts to the ones I love. I love to see their face as they open up a gift that they just treasure. It truly is the best feeling, especially the gifts that I really thought long and hard on.. I'd like to think I am a good gift giver =)
I promised I'd show some photos of the little angel I talked about in my last posts... she is precious.
It's Christmas already overseas... and what a better gift for Christmas then for my husband to be able to video call his brother who is a deployed Marine. It was great being able to see him on Christmas open a few gifts and for them to catch up and chat when they hardly ever get the chance to.
It was hard... especially for the husband -but I am so thankful he was able to see him.
Remember the men and women who are serving our country who won't be home for Christmas to be with family.. remember their sacrifice.
Merry Christmas to our troops!
and Merry Christmas to you all!
I promised I'd show some photos of the little angel I talked about in my last posts... she is precious.
It's Christmas already overseas... and what a better gift for Christmas then for my husband to be able to video call his brother who is a deployed Marine. It was great being able to see him on Christmas open a few gifts and for them to catch up and chat when they hardly ever get the chance to.
It was hard... especially for the husband -but I am so thankful he was able to see him.
Remember the men and women who are serving our country who won't be home for Christmas to be with family.. remember their sacrifice.
Merry Christmas to our troops!
and Merry Christmas to you all!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
My best friend had a baby!
I'm so excited to announce, my best friend finally had her baby! She is adorable.... and I am so happy for her and her husband.
I took off half a day to today to go see her this afternoon and finally meet her. Im.Super.Excited!
I'm not going to lie, when she texted me her picture last night after she had her, I cried.
Just seeing that little person in her arms (and looking just like her momma) is a miracle in itself, and always amazes me. I'm so proud of her.
Riley Mae Cornell
Born: December 20, 2011
8 lbs 20 inches
**pics to come!
I took off half a day to today to go see her this afternoon and finally meet her. Im.Super.Excited!
I'm not going to lie, when she texted me her picture last night after she had her, I cried.
Just seeing that little person in her arms (and looking just like her momma) is a miracle in itself, and always amazes me. I'm so proud of her.
Riley Mae Cornell
Born: December 20, 2011
8 lbs 20 inches
**pics to come!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Yummy treats

Here are some yummy treats I made this past weekend for Ryan's family Christmas party...
Chocolate Mocha Peppermint Cupcakes...
I'm not even a big fan of peppermint, but these were pretty tasty.
These little babies were not an easy bake... four hours later and 3 dozen cupcakes were done. Totally worth it though..

Thursday, December 15, 2011
It's time for new life
Today I found out that one of my bestest friend's will be having her baby.... finally!
It seems as if it has been forever waiting for this day... and I'm sure it felt even longer in her eyes.. But if she doesn't go naturally by Monday... then induced she will be and she will have her beautiful baby girl home for Christmas.
It's hard to believe that we've become these people... you know.. the old married ladies... and in her case a (very) soon to be Momma...
I can just remember yesterday when we were 8.... and 13... and 16 (oh lord 16....) 18... and our 21st... Feels like a lifetime of memories.. (but the best are yet to come I think)
I know she will be a great Mom... she's got that in her you know? (some don't... I know a few)
I think I will probably cry....
She truly is getting the best Christmas gift ever.... I hope I too can be as lucky one day! Until then, I'll just have to spoil this little bundle of joy to no end.... =)
10 days until Christmas!!
It seems as if it has been forever waiting for this day... and I'm sure it felt even longer in her eyes.. But if she doesn't go naturally by Monday... then induced she will be and she will have her beautiful baby girl home for Christmas.
It's hard to believe that we've become these people... you know.. the old married ladies... and in her case a (very) soon to be Momma...
I can just remember yesterday when we were 8.... and 13... and 16 (oh lord 16....) 18... and our 21st... Feels like a lifetime of memories.. (but the best are yet to come I think)
I know she will be a great Mom... she's got that in her you know? (some don't... I know a few)
I think I will probably cry....
She truly is getting the best Christmas gift ever.... I hope I too can be as lucky one day! Until then, I'll just have to spoil this little bundle of joy to no end.... =)
10 days until Christmas!!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Oh the joys of Christmas!
It really is the best time of the year...
Not too long ago I was feeling like it wasn't Christmas time... eekk, what is wrong with me?
But, now the house is decorated, and we got our tree over the weekend... (which is another story in itself... see below..) I've also got 95% of my shopping done... go me! And I finished my "Famous" truffles last night that everyone will be gawking about very soon... it is definitely Christmas time.
This weekend is Ryan's family Christmas get-together and that is always some good fun.... We also plan on going and seeing some Christmas lights this week at the Herr's factory (Herr's potato chip factory) They always have a nice display up every year... maybe I'll even make us some hot cocoa for the ride =)
But, back to the tree story... There is always a good story behind every Christmas tree outing each year... from freezing cold... pouring down rain.. and LOTS of mud! This year it was just me and my mom... Ryan and I got a free certificate at the place we got married at for a Christmas tree (they have a Christmas tree farm as well) So, since we weren't moved out yet, I let my mom use it.
Well, off to the farm we went... it was pretty cold and I really didn't dress appropriately.. thinking we would just get there and grab one... I was wrong... Not only was it getting dark.. but we had to ride a wagon a half a mile away.. in the cold.. and it took forever.. oh boy I was freezing.Once we got there we were off to find the "perfect" tree... it was just us there, no other customers at all.. kind of creepy. We finally found a tree (and we had to harvest it ourselves mind you) Well, it was either me cut it or my mom... so of course I said I would. It took me like 5 minutes, my hands were frozen and I couldn't feel my arms. Half way through it the guy who drove us over said, "Would you like me to help?"
HELP? Why? Because I am a girl? I don't need your help, so i said to him, (remember, I can't feel my hands or arms, and was a little irritated that my husband wasn't there to help.. I don't need no man to help me) "NO.. I WILL finish it myself!" He just kind of chuckled and said OK. Well I got that baby down finally....
We got it home and my mom says it is the "ugliest" tree ever... because of the limbs at the bottom in the stand it just looks horrible... HAH.. we laughed about that. But hey, she picked it out... I just cut it.
Now, she wants to start a tradition every year to find the ugliest tree... She said, and I quote.. "It isn't what the tree looks like, it's how you decorate it to make it look pretty"
Good luck with that... =)
12 days til Christmas!
Not too long ago I was feeling like it wasn't Christmas time... eekk, what is wrong with me?
But, now the house is decorated, and we got our tree over the weekend... (which is another story in itself... see below..) I've also got 95% of my shopping done... go me! And I finished my "Famous" truffles last night that everyone will be gawking about very soon... it is definitely Christmas time.
This weekend is Ryan's family Christmas get-together and that is always some good fun.... We also plan on going and seeing some Christmas lights this week at the Herr's factory (Herr's potato chip factory) They always have a nice display up every year... maybe I'll even make us some hot cocoa for the ride =)
But, back to the tree story... There is always a good story behind every Christmas tree outing each year... from freezing cold... pouring down rain.. and LOTS of mud! This year it was just me and my mom... Ryan and I got a free certificate at the place we got married at for a Christmas tree (they have a Christmas tree farm as well) So, since we weren't moved out yet, I let my mom use it.
Well, off to the farm we went... it was pretty cold and I really didn't dress appropriately.. thinking we would just get there and grab one... I was wrong... Not only was it getting dark.. but we had to ride a wagon a half a mile away.. in the cold.. and it took forever.. oh boy I was freezing.Once we got there we were off to find the "perfect" tree... it was just us there, no other customers at all.. kind of creepy. We finally found a tree (and we had to harvest it ourselves mind you) Well, it was either me cut it or my mom... so of course I said I would. It took me like 5 minutes, my hands were frozen and I couldn't feel my arms. Half way through it the guy who drove us over said, "Would you like me to help?"
HELP? Why? Because I am a girl? I don't need your help, so i said to him, (remember, I can't feel my hands or arms, and was a little irritated that my husband wasn't there to help.. I don't need no man to help me) "NO.. I WILL finish it myself!" He just kind of chuckled and said OK. Well I got that baby down finally....
We got it home and my mom says it is the "ugliest" tree ever... because of the limbs at the bottom in the stand it just looks horrible... HAH.. we laughed about that. But hey, she picked it out... I just cut it.
Now, she wants to start a tradition every year to find the ugliest tree... She said, and I quote.. "It isn't what the tree looks like, it's how you decorate it to make it look pretty"
Good luck with that... =)
12 days til Christmas!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
A metal makeover
Not too long ago I bought a filing cabinet for $2 at a yard sale... Score for me. I had been wanting a bigger one to keep all of my "junk" so i was pretty happy with my purchase, because I was looking them up online and they were pricey for that piece of metal...
Although, I wasn't very keen on the whole plain metal look... So I decided to do a makeover on it.. And I'm pretty pleased with the outcome... Will definitely match my decor much better!
Take a look....
Although, I wasn't very keen on the whole plain metal look... So I decided to do a makeover on it.. And I'm pretty pleased with the outcome... Will definitely match my decor much better!
Take a look....
Thursday, December 1, 2011
The little things I'm grateful for...
Yesterday, I read a post over on Loves of Life, her post yesterday talked about being grateful for the little things, the things you look over each and every day. She challenged her readers (me) to write down the things we are grateful for, the things we look over in just one day- so I did. You can read her post here.
I thought about the small things I do everyday, the ones I don't take notice of (usually) and the thought that there are people out there that don't have some of these things... I should be grateful of what I have, of what I can do, and the freedom to do these things..and I truly am.
This was my grateful list yesterday...
~Being able to wake up to a loving husband
~Getting up late, but making it to work on time
~Having a warm breakfast, even if it was just toast
~Drinking a fresh clean glass of water
~Being able to have a choose of what I wanted to wear for the day
~Just having a closet full of clothes
~The ability to drive in a reliable car
~Going to work
~Celebrating my mother's birthday
~Having friends and family to talk to
~Looking at my wonderful wedding pictures
~A warm, fulfilling dinner
~Having the ability to workout and become a healthier me
~A husband I can laugh with
~A bed that I can sleep in
~Being warm
~The gift that tomorrow will come
What are the little things you are grateful for today?
I thought about the small things I do everyday, the ones I don't take notice of (usually) and the thought that there are people out there that don't have some of these things... I should be grateful of what I have, of what I can do, and the freedom to do these things..and I truly am.
This was my grateful list yesterday...
~Being able to wake up to a loving husband
~Getting up late, but making it to work on time
~Having a warm breakfast, even if it was just toast
~Drinking a fresh clean glass of water
~Being able to have a choose of what I wanted to wear for the day
~Just having a closet full of clothes
~The ability to drive in a reliable car
~Going to work
~Celebrating my mother's birthday
~Having friends and family to talk to
~Looking at my wonderful wedding pictures
~A warm, fulfilling dinner
~Having the ability to workout and become a healthier me
~A husband I can laugh with
~A bed that I can sleep in
~Being warm
~The gift that tomorrow will come
What are the little things you are grateful for today?
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