Thursday, December 1, 2011

The little things I'm grateful for...

Yesterday, I read a post over on Loves of Life, her post yesterday talked about being grateful for the little things, the things you look over each and every day. She challenged her readers (me) to write down the things we are grateful for, the things we look over in just one day- so I did. You can read her post here.

I thought about the small things I do everyday, the ones I don't take notice of (usually) and the thought that there are people out there that don't have some of these things... I should be grateful of what I have, of what I can do, and the freedom to do these things..and I truly am.

This was my grateful list yesterday...

~Being able to wake up to a loving husband
~Getting up late, but making it to work on time
~Having a warm breakfast, even if it was just toast
~Drinking a fresh clean glass of water
~Being able to have a choose of what I wanted to wear for the day
~Just having a closet full of clothes
~The ability to drive in a reliable car
~Going to work
~Celebrating my mother's birthday
~Having friends and family to talk to
~Looking at my wonderful wedding pictures
~A warm, fulfilling dinner
~Having the ability to workout and become a healthier me
~A husband I can laugh with
~A bed that I can sleep in
~Being warm
~The gift that tomorrow will come

What are the little things you are grateful for today?


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