Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day at the beach

There is nothing better than some sand in your toes... The wind in your hair... And a perfect day at the beach!

Agenda for the day?

Lay out on a towel... Jump in ocean... Lay out some more... Once again jump back in the ocean... Eat some good lunch... And repeat!

The boys fishing!

Agenda for tonight?
Get a soothing shower and get prepared for dinner... Going to get me some seafood! I just love the feeling of a shower after a long day in the sun (it's like paradise and your under a waterfall..perfection)

Then were going to Come back after dinner and start pregaming before going out to get our dance and drink on.. (I brought lots of my favorite drink... Rum!)

All together? Going to be a great day!

Hope your having a great Saturday!


Friday, July 29, 2011

Packing... the difference between man & women

I'm going to the beach this weekend... woohoo!

I'm just so ready to relax, even if it is for only two days - better than nothing.

I get home last night... late might I add, because we went to the Fair again. We also got soaking wet,  because it decided to pour last night as we were there, and of course the fiance didn't want to leave, so we sat there in the rain watching a demolition derby... it was actually kind of fun when I think about it.

Anyway... I get home and the first thing I do is start to pack.

I need... this... this.... this this.... and I'm grabbing everything and putting it into a nice pile.

Of course, there is the occasional, "Honey, don't forget your beach towel," and "Hey, I got your bath towels."

It goes on for like an hour as I am packing, making sure I have everything needed, because heaven forbid we forget something.... it somehow becomes my fault.

My fault?

I have been packing... and packing, and getting everything ready - just me, myself, and I.

Whats the fiance doing?

Oh, he's eating... watching TV... and whatever else he did.

Then the question comes up, "When are you going to pack?"

The Response..... "I'll pack tomorrow before we leave."

REALLY?..... yet somehow if we (usually him) forget something, I get the blame. Such a typical man...

That's OK, I'll make sure we have everything, that's what us women are for right? We have like a million lists in our heads, and we go over and over them until its done. Men? They just kind of go with the wind... it is amazing how different our mind sets are. Sometimes, I really wish I could just "go with the wind," but I would lose my mind.

One word that describes me... Organized.

Damn right... and he knows it.

Happy, Happy Friday!!!


Thursday, July 28, 2011


Dreaming... a nightly ritual for me. I very rarely ever go a night without have a dream (or a few). Some people have told me they don't dream through the night, this is crazy talk to me. I am so used to having such vivid, realistic dreams, that sometimes I wake up and have to come to my senses that it was merely, just a dream.

In college, I did a report on the dreams, it was actually a really interesting topic to research, especially if you are like me and are constantly dreaming. 

The body actually goes through phases through the night. The phases are simply named: 1-2-3-4 & REM. 3 & 4 are the deep sleep phases, and it is hard to wake someone up during this period. Everyone is different though, I for one am a VERY light sleeper. Any sound or movement (even my own movement) can wake me up. Thus, why I think I am so tired in the mornings, because I never really get a good night sleep.

Dreams occur during the REM phase (Rapid Eye Movement) yes... your eyes move alot during this phase. We also can dream in non-REM phases.... this would include the short phase before you wake up, that is where most of the dreams you remember probably come from. It is said that people dream an average of 4-6 times per night, with an average of about 2 hours of dreaming... obvoiusly not everyone remembers all of them.

I do mostly...

I can definitely say that I have had some strange, strange dreams. When I tell them to my fiance, he just kind of looks at me like I am nuts! 

It's not like I pick my dreams.

Ever have a dream that you just didn't want to wake up from? I have a love-hate feeling about those dreams. They're the type you love when your dreaming, but as soon as you wake up you get so angry! Then you try the, "Well, I'll just go back to sleep." Like you are going to pick right up where you left off... like pausing a movie or something. 

If its a really good dream, then I guess it don't hurt to try! Sometimes, I am successful, but I think the plot changes after I fall back to sleep. I guess I will never know the true endings on those dreams.

Ever try deciphering your dream? There are lots of books and websites dedicated to this. Sometimes, when you decipher your dream it is a little freaky (if it pertains to something in your life) or it is totally out there. That can be fun... some places get a little crazy with it, and decipher every object in your dream. I'm talking like a chair... it's a chair, does it really mean something?

I guess it could, just seems a little over the top. I want to decipher emotions, and experiences in my dreams, not the chair I was sitting on?

This topic could really go on forever... maybe one of these days I will post about a crazy dream I have. Then you all can decipher it for me!

So, I want to know... What is the craziest dream you have ever had?

Or... What was your "I just want to pick up where I left off" dream?

I can see the weekend peeking around the corner!


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ghostly Encounters

Are you a believer in the paranormal or ghosts? I sure am.... I have encountered many, many experiences throughout my life. We moved into my current house when I was 6 years old. It is an old farm house... with a long history behind it.

After living so long with so many unexplainable occurrences and sightings, well, you just get use to it.

I have also experienced the paranormal in other places, I have even gotten some pictures. (the type of pictures that give you goose-bumps)

I was always telling people about everything that happened to me, some believed, some didn't.

Last year I decided to start my own website and share everything I had to share. Now... it's not some big hot website (although, i would love for it to be one) It is just a place that I can direct people to, to see the pictures I have, to read more stories, and just have fun with it. Maybe one day it will be a big hot website... (cricket in the background)

It is called Whisper In The Night
Here is the site:

Take a look, and if you have any stories to tell... feel free to leave some. I love hearing other encounters as well. There you can read the history behind my house, my experiences, see pictures, and even read other stories. Have fun!

What is your take on the afterlife?


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

It gets a little personal...

Yesterday I shared that I was trying to lose weight... and I said I would talk about that a little more later..

Well, I decided to share that today.

I wasn't planning on writing about it quite yet, but as I sat here and tried to down my water to reach my daily water intake goal, I just needed to talk about it.

Here's my history...

Three years ago I began to gain weight... and fast.

Not the most pleasant feeling when you get on the scale and you have gained 5 pounds over night... yeah.. it happens.

To make a long story short.. without too many details, I gained 100 pounds in just over a year. Yes, 100 pounds!!!!

It was depressing. (still is!)

I couldn't figure out why this was happening (I really wasn't eating like there was no tomorrow, honest)

Well, at this time I was facing some, well lets just say... female problems. There wasn't much going on that year. 

I started to put the two together... and after many doctor appointments.. and a few "I don't know what I can do, I'm sorry" and even a "You'll never have kids." (Which that line sent me into a crying fit) I was sent to a specialist. He got to the bottom of it, and I was diagnosed with PCOS. (click to learn more) It's a female hormonal problem... and it pretty much means when the time comes and we are ready to start a family... it will be a littler harder then most. 

The Doctor also told me at our first appointment, "This is why you have gained weight, and it will be 3 times harder to take it off"

In the beginning I was heartbroken, but many women have this... it's not curable, it's manageable, and I am managing just fine now. After a few months of testing meds... I am no longer on any, because they just didn't work. So my options? Ride it out... lose weight... and there is fertility options in my future. I can deal with that.

Needless to say... it has been over a year and things are looking up. I finally got into the kick of losing weight.. I really started trying the end of February (when I got engaged), and I have lost 30 pounds since the start (around November of last year). It has also helped my "condition" and things have been good with that as well. I still have alot more weight to lose.. but my goal is 8-10 pounds per month. That is a healthy loss, and once it is off.. it is NEVER coming back. 

I hope to lose another 10-15 pounds before my wedding... so I have 2 months to do it.. With hurting my foot.. it has been a struggle to work out.. but I am going to start swimming, because I can do that. Hopefully that helps keep me going.

When it is all said and done... I will put up the before and after pics... those will be a soar sight. I am just ready to get back to my normal weight.. and well... be happy with myself again. Luckily, I have a fiance that loves me not matter what, and has been helping me every step of the way. 

Some people are quick to judge, but in all honesty, I didn't pick this for myself. But, I am working to make myself healthier, more active, and smash this condition to the ground as much as I can. There will be a time (soon I hope) that my soon to be husband and I will be ready to start our own family, and by then I want to be back to a healthy size.. a healthy attitude, and hopefully that will make my chances greater and easier to one day become a mom =) 

Until then...

I have faith that it will all work out.. and all come off.


Monday, July 25, 2011

61 days and counting...

Today I looked at the calendar, and realized my wedding is only 61 days away.... pretty much 2 months.


Where has the time gone?

Yes, I know... planning... spending money.. being stressed... and spending some more money.

It's one of those things where.. you cant wait for it to get here, but yet you can.

In two months I will be marrying my best friend, the love of my life.. (yadayadayada) But he really is the glue that keeps me together.

This past weekend, I bought a few things and crossed them off my list.

I bought my rehearsal dinner dress <super cute> It is white of course... but I figured I would get it now while the summer clothes were still available, because white is definitely a summer color. It could be hard to find a dress like that again... and I got an awesome deal on it too. For the simple fact of they are already trying to get rid of their summer items.. hello savings! I also got my shoes that I am wearing on my wedding day.. they are super cute too (I also got them half off) I know.. deal queen here. But they are perfect, I didnt want heels, because I am getting married in a Barn, and there is small cracks between each board. I could see a disaster happening. Thus the reason why my bridesmaid are wearing wedges. So my shoes are nothing more than white sandels.. with a cute flower on top. Perfect.. done.

And yes, I wrote I was getting married in a barn.. its a beautiful barn! A big, big, big, old barn. Absolutely love it. It is so big, that we are able to have the ceremony and reception all on the same floor.

I also found the perfect head piece, or tiara some might say, to go with my veil. Nothing big, and not a princess looking one either. Just something classy to go with my veil.

Although.. it might make me feel like a princess, but isn't that the point of your wedding?

Super excited.

I also have my first fitting for my wedding dress this Thursday.. let's hope that it looks good.

Since, I am new to this blogging.. you haven't been able to experience my whole.. losing weight sector that I am still going through.. (sigh)

Yes.. I am trying to lose weight.. and lots of it. (sigh)

I am at 30 pounds right now.. and alot more to go.

(we can get into that later though)

I hope the week goes fast, Happy Monday.


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunday FunDay at the Fair

The joy of summer.... Fairs!!! That was my Sunday FunDay today. This is a fair that I go to every year... it's a great time, and I get in for free! (yes, special privileges)

This fair has everything a fair should have... fun rides.. games.. great food.. lots of animals.. shows.. rodeos.. demolition derbys.. and a bunch of rednecks, well at least around here that is what makes for a good fair.

I always make sure to hit up the rodeo that goes on at the fair.. I love it!

Hope you had a great weekend!


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Life of a party

Ever notice when you are at a party it's always the same routine.

You come in... Greet... Then sit awkwardly for a bit. Dinner is served, things pick up. It's not to after dinner when it gets good. Of course, it takes a few drinks... A good few.

Then you wait patiently...

Until someone gets the nerve to break out the dance moves, then it's a party!

Well... I'm currently in the waiting period.. And I'm working on the drink part.

You know... Something fruity to get the mood going. Then it gets harder.... Along with the partying.

I'm in New Jersey celebrating a friend graduating from college.

It's going to be a good night.

Im only really warming up for the after party!

Live it up... Ya only live once.

Keep an eye out for my Sunday FunDay.

It'll probably be a late post... If ya get my drift.


Friday, July 22, 2011

Holy Hot!

I am located in PA... southern end.. and it is hotter then Hell out there today. My car read 104, online says to be around 100, well it definitely hit that mark plus some. Online it reads that with the heat index, it feels as if it is 116 outside. That is no exaggeration, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was hotter. eww, that is all I have to say. I walk outside and I am gasping for air.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE THE SUMMER! I love the smells, the activities, and just the overall fun of summer. But, it is days like this where I wish I didn't live in PA.. if you don't live here, hear me out. Now, I'm not one to be like "oh its worse here then it is there," not trying to have it come across like that. 
During the winter, my brother and I were talking about this subject... our state. We decided that overall PA gets a little bit of everything.. we really do get to experience every season how it is suppose to be experienced. We have Spring.. coldish.. rainy.. but just right.. In the summer (as you can tell) It gets hot.. sometimes, hotter than Hell... Fall is one of my favorites, it is the cool part of the year, that is almost like Spring.. but just with different colors of course. Then we have Winter... no we don't get snow like up north, but we can get snow like up North, and when we do.. its all at once! So... in perspective where I am located, we get to experience everything.. sometimes the good and sometimes the bad. That is why I love it here so much (except days like this of course)


I saw this on today.. and I wanted to share it with you all. It is about how HOT your car can get.

These numbers are going off a hot, but normal day at 90 degrees.
  • Within 10 minutes, yes 10 minutes your car is already at 109 degrees!
  • At 20 minutes, it spikes up 10 more degrees to 119
  • Then at 30 minutes it is at 124 degrees.
  • When it hits an hour.. your car is at 133 degrees!!! That is 43 above the outside temps!
  • After an hour and a half (90 minutes) your car is reaching at about 138 degrees... OVEN TEMPERATURES people... You could seriously bake a ham in your car.

This is why you should NEVER, EVER leave a pet, or heaven help us a child in a car.. even if it is for only ten minutes you can see the car is at 109 degrees... (this is at a 90 degree day, could you imagine what it would be on a day like today that is ten degrees hotter?)

They then have this statistic, "Since 1998 at least 464 infants and children have died in hot vehicles in the United States." ( That just saddens me.

So, if you see people who are doing this.. please be sure to step up and do something. This is life and death in these situations. It's crazy to think people out there do this, but they do! Sometimes, people just don't  think.

Enough about depressing statistics... it is the weekend peeps - so go ahead and enjoy it! I know I will! Be on the lookout for my jammed pack day tomorrow and my Sunday Funday post!

(Don't forget to drink lots of water too)
