Sunday, July 27, 2014

I'm missing an organ..

So.. if you recall my writing a few months back about having gallbladder stones.. after I had Kayden I had to get my gall bladder removed.

It sucked.

It was like, as soon as Kayden came out.. my gallbladder THREW a fit. I was having attack after attack, and they kept getting worse. And being home alone with a new born and being unable to move, heaving over a toilet just wasn't going to work anymore. I was even watching my diet - trying to keep attacks at bay, well it didn't work.

So at the end of November, only 3 short weeks after having my baby via c-section, my stomach was AGAIN cut up.

I looked like I was in a knife fight. The surgery went well, except after the fact they ended up giving me a DOUBLE dose of Tylenol. To which the DR had to come in and tell me what happen, and that they weren't too concerned - that in Europe they give this high of a dose, but its not really done in the US. Great.

So, here I was at home with an infant, hardly able to move. Not taking ANY pain medication, because it totally looped me out, let alone I was breastfeeding and didn't want to pass any to Kayden.

So yes, I had a c-section and a gall bladder removal and did not use any pain meds. So, it sucked, it hurt, but I lived.

It was nice being able to eat like a normal person again afterwards, so no I don't miss my gallbladder.

At times though I still get pain in that area, but i think its due to the cutting - Im not sure if its 100% healed or what, but doing anything strenuous or twisting certain ways makes it pull that muscle or something in there - I don't know what it is, but it still hurts and feels like a pulled muscle that hurts when I breath.

You win some you lose some.

Either way, I am missing an organ. And, the next time I have a baby, it will be great NOT to have to worry about that problem again!

Adios Gallbladder!

Friday, July 25, 2014

My 9 month old crazy boy

Oh Kayden,


9 months old, where has this year gone?! How is it possible that I am planning your 1 year birthday party already, and already stressing about it?

You are a piece of work. Unique in so many ways. You have a personality that makes me laugh every day. Your facial expressions, your eye brow moves, and the way you give that little grin under your binky.

You have an attitude, and you know it. Sometimes I can't help but laugh even when Im trying to have that "stern" voice. You really don't know what NO means, but one day you will. You're starting to test your boundaries with me. Whether its smacking me and looking straight into my eyes to see what I do.. or pulling certain things you really shouldn't be. (ouch) OR.. screaming and grunting when you are mad, to only smile when I look at you. And don't forget my favorite, when you are being "bad" and mommy says No, you find it very appropriate to laugh in her face.

I'm going to have my hands full with you boy, I just know it.

Your crawling everywhere. You're getting into everything. You must stand up at all places, and try and climb the gates and the stairs. You don't want your toys on the floor, no you'd rather have the dogs. And you have an obsession with licking shoes, and usually the bottom. (gag)... I can't keep my eye off you for not even one second.

You liked to be chased now.. and find it funny when daddy runs after you. You love our puppies, and will sit and watch them play and giggle forever. You also love your Spongebob. When the show starts and the song comes on, ALL MUST STOP and watch.

You're sleeping pretty good, although there are nights you like to stay up a few hours and make sure the only way you'll stop crying is when Mommy is holding you. I don't mind, just wish you would do this during the day when I am NOT so tired.

These past 9 months have been a whirlwind of learning, playing, stressing, and loving. My life with you is 100x better. The love I have for you is unbelievable and I can't wait to see how the rest of our lives together will go. You are my perfect little boy - and Mommy LOVES YOU SO!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Life of a pumper...

This post may not be appropriate for younger audience..

Or men... Read at your free will.

I just got done pumping... it won't be the last time today, I will have at least 3 more pumps today.

After pumping for 6 months, I am not ashamed to say, I CANT WAIT TO BE DONE.

Don't get me wrong.. I LOVE breastfeeding. It's the greatest bond I could have with my son, and I enjoy it thoroughly. Even though lately he seems to busy to want to nurse.. he's getting so big. I am so happy that I was able to have this opportunity to nourish my baby. It was one of the BIGGEST things that I wanted to do, and I stuck to it, and I am so happy that I did.

But pumping? It can shove it. I spend at minimum and hour of my day pumping..

and lately, its been so much work, for so little produced!

Its actually getting depressing, but I am so close to hitting that 1 year mark. Yes, dear lord my baby will be one in just 3 months. That was my goal, make it to a year. I know I will make it to that year, but unfortunately, my supply just doesn't want to support the 3 a day bottles my little piggy is wanting.

Decisions, decisions. Not that I have anything against formula, I just personally didn't want to go there. I have some milk stashed away from the beginning when i was a walking cow... so I know I have a few weeks left to use for fillers.

One year, One year.. just have to make it to one year.

BUT - I am so ready to stop being that pumping mom.. who at work has to close her office door so many times a day... sit and have my ladies feel like they are being pulled for one lousy bottle these days.

Oh the things we do for our babies!

One day Ill be able to look back on this and be proud though, and say, yes I did it.. and yes, I miss it.

Until then... I HATE YOU PUMPING.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Oh hey, I forgot I had a blog.

Hello again there blog.

Its been quite some time.

And lets just start by me making a lot of excuses as to why i have not wrote in such a long time... here it goes.

Ive been busy, not just your normal busy, like so super busy with an 8 month old, new puppy, summer gardens, full time working, and then some other work, oh and cleaning in between the tornado that goes through my house everyday busy.

But.. life is great actually. I am enjoying being a mommy to such a wonderful little man. I'm enjoying doing lots of house updates, and enjoying getting ready for our first beach trip this year.

Yes, Ive been busy, but guess what? I'm going to make some time for you again, I think i need it.

So... lets do this..

to be continued...