Tuesday morning, bright and early I rolled into the hospital, hungry and thirsty (because I had to fast) in order to get my abdominal scan.
I'm not sure if I had mentioned before, but my bloodwork came back for my possible gallbladder issues fine... there were no indications that I had any liver, gallbladder or kidney problems. Yet, my doctor still wanted me to get an ultrasound just to make sure.
I figured that since the bloodwork was fine, that it was pointless to do this ultrasound, that I was in fact being a huge baby and complaining about what probably was just "heartburn"... Great.
As I laid on the table, the technicians explained all she was going to do and started scanning around, all the mean while, Kayden was rolling and kicking up a storm, and hitting her arm multiple times. She laughed, and told me he was
a little active one. Yep, this I already knew.
She finally got around to my gallbladder... why do they save the thing you are looking for, for last? She then looked at me and said, "Oh yes, you have some gallstones."
My gallbladder was half full with stones and "sludge", such an attractive word that sludge is. THIS is where my pains had been coming from, those awful, awful attacks I have been having. Even though I was upset to find this out, I am relieved to at least know the cause of these pains. It's going to suck, because I'll have to get it removed at some point I'm sure. Gallstones just don't go away on there own, they are always there, always ready to give you the fright of your life.
I'll be discussing my options more with my doctor on Monday who I believe will be referring me to someone who obviously does these types of surgeries and stuff.
The fun part now is figuring out when. Obviously, I'm not able to have surgery while pregnant, although some women who have it really bad do. I've been keeping a good eye on my diet and keeping away from anything that could remotely "inflame" my gallbladder as they call it. So far it seems to be working, so I know I can hold out a bit longer. After I have the baby though, I'm just not sure when I will want to do this.
So many questions to figure out...
Do I want to have it removed while on maternity leave?
Do I want to wait awhile and then take off MORE work later next year when I really don't want to have to take off more work? (You can be out 1-2 weeks I've read)
What if I'm breastfeeding, will that effect it in anyway?
What about taking care of the baby after the surgery?
and.. more.
Questions I will no doubt discuss with my doctor.. it's just a lot to take in and consider. Let alone add the surgery bill to my already huge pile of bills. I hate bills.
So... this all sucks.. but at least I know what is causing the problem, and that there IS a solution. Maybe not one I am particularly fond of, but there is.
ONE good thing that has come out of this and will also help after I have the baby was my sudden HUGE diet change. I've stayed away from pretty much anything that has any grams of fat, whole diary, and food with lots of cholesterol. It's help me keep pretty healthy this last trimester, and will no doubt help me make good choices after I have the baby, and help me lose some of that baby weight I hope!
See.. there is always a positive somewhere amidst the negative.
Here is what a pic of some gallstones looks like.. I tried to find the least graphic image. They sersiouly just look like a handful of rocks you pick up outside. They can also range from small to like golfball size (or more!) rocks. MINE, are not that big, but still... ew.