I've had a few "episodes" which when they started to happen I didn't know if it was heartburn, gas, or just me dying. I decided it was just gas... and not the kind that makes you do disgusting bodily functions, just the kind that is trapped and hurts like a mo-fo.
Well, after having 4 major attacks, and few smaller ones in between I had my worst yet the other day. So, when I start to feel that feeling, I quickly inhale a few gas pills (thinking this helps), and then when it's ready it goes away.
Saturday night I started those same feelings, yes on my vacation... Let me describe them to you.
1. I feel like I am about to die. Seriously.
2. My chest tightens SO hard that breathing, just seems impossible, to the point I DON'T want to breath.
3. It moves, from my chest to my back, and back and forth.
4. I feel nauseous. clammy, and about to pass out.
5. I literally cannot find a position that makes it any better, the pain is CONSTANT and does NOT go away giving me any breaks, until BAM. It's gone.
It just feels like my chest is literally going to explode. It's a horrible feeling. My last one lasted just over an hour. An hour of constant pain.
So, while I was having one of my "attacks" my mom informed me she really didn't think it was JUST ordinary gas or even maybe heartburn (which I have yet to ever have, so I don't really know what it feels like) that it could possibly be my gallbladder.
Just another one of those organs you DON'T think about.
After an hour of excruciating pain, and I'm serious it's freaking horrible. Even online it compares the pain to people thinking they are having a heart attack, and even worse then labor. (If I can get through this, maybe labor won't be so bad?!? Hey, hopes are up ok?) Then just like that, it just disappears. After I started to lookup gallbladder disease/ gallbladder stones, etc, my symptoms fit it pretty darn good. Great.
I have a Doctor apt Thursday, in which I will discuss my possibly gallbladder problems, and see what they say. I just want to figure out what this problem is, because it has me scared to death to even eat. So, I'm sticking to fruits and veggies... everything else is practically out. (sigh)
We will see what the good doctors say... this "disease" as they call it can be hereditary and it just so happens my mother developed the same thing while pregnant with me and had hers out shortly after having me. I'm just so lucky.
Hopefully, it isn't my gallbladder and I don't have to have it eventually removed, because that would be nice. Maybe it's just something else... who knows.
Oh, and I will also find out my results from my sugar test, my 2nd one that is. HOPEFULLY, I didn't fail that too, because my diet for the next 2 months will be pretty bad, in the fact that I won't be able to feed my cravings of chocolate and ice cream, on top of trying to stay away from every saturated fat, and stuff with cholesterol, if these attacks are indeed gallbladder attacks.
Honesty, it's not like I eat horribly. Actually, we eat pretty healthy. Lots of veggies and lean meats (turkey, deer, chicken, fish) It's just the occasional dinner in which we go out somewhere, or you know when you are on vacation and don't think about the fried calamari you just ate. UGH. No more occasional indulgences, because I pay for it. I do have a big sweet tooth though, so that one is hard to keep down, especially since it seems this baby loves him some chocolate.
Wish me luck.
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Who knew something so small can give SO MUCH PAIN. |
Oh goodness, I empathize if it is your gallbladder! I'm so sorry you are having such rough pain! I've had many fun health adventures in my life (kidney transplant, two Picc lines, and a super fast labor without an epidural) and my gallbladder attacks were the most painful thing I've ever experienced. I hope you get some answers soon!
I will say, I had two episodes that ended up being (HEARTBURN!!!!!!!!!!!) and I literally thought it was worse than labor, it was AWFUL. I ended up taking a prilosec (???? I THINK??? It starts with a P) a day and it helped SO MUCH. I'd never had that pain before so I had NO IDEA. It was so bad. Either way, no matter what it is, hope you get it worked out :)