No, actually first, lets talk about my ever growing BACK PAIN. UGH. I already have a bad back to begin with. I've always dealt with back pain, and the aches of having a mild case of scoliosis. It sucks, but has been something I am familiar with. I knew getting pregnant my back was going to suffer, and it is.
I feel like I shouldn't be in this much pain sometimes with just how far along I am, but so be it. I mean, it's not an ALL DAY pain. I'm pretty comfortable through the days. I have a comfy chair and foot rest that keeps my legs up all day at my desk, I get up every now and then to stretch, but otherwise get to sit on my butt all day, and just switch positions through the day to keep my back guessing.
At night is a WHOLE other story. I come home, and do work.... clean, dinner, you know the normal shit every wife has to do, like I had mentioned in a previous post, I just can't SIT STILL, it's not in my nature. SO, here I am pushing myself to get things done, when I really feel sometimes I should just relax. I figured this is probably my last month of being able to actually get shit done, so I am pushing through it... MUST PUSH THROUGH.
But my back screams at me... ouch. Ryan chuckles how I walk, or how I get up, but DAMN it takes me sometime to get moving, feels like my hips just won't let me walk. WHAT IS HE DOING IN THERE TO ME!?
So, back to the bed... I now on top of my usual pee wake up, wake up to back pain. When I try to reposition myself you would think that I am dying. I feel like I can hardly move, it is such a task to just roll over. I'm just one round ball. I know they say you're not suppose to sleep on your back, but it's just one of the positions that I can sleep in. I go to sleep on my side, and sometimes stay there a long while, but then I wake up in pain, and kinda roll to my back, and then I wake up again and roll to my side. My schedule all night.
Just one of the awesome effects of carrying a child. The effect you know that can happen, but just don't really "think" about until your 29 weeks and afraid to get off the couch. Oh, October cannot come soon enough.
I know I could be worse... I really do. Overall, I've had it pretty easy if I had to compare. I haven't suffered from heartburn (yet, knock on wood - and I really just did knock on wood) or other things that some women suffer from. I do have swelling, which freaks me out sometimes. But, besides the normal stuff that almost every pregnant women deals with, I haven't had too much to complain about.
With that thought, my pregnancy bitch is over. Did you enjoy that?
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Hello Big Boy. |
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