Hello Friday!
Friday's are usually a happy day. You know, end of the work week, beginning to your fun and exciting weekend, and time to relax and let the stress of the work week behind you.
Well, this Friday is probably, the most exciting Friday that I have had yet..(except that day before my wedding)
Tomorrow, I get to change my address! Yippee!
These last 7 months have gone so fast and slow, all at the same time. I'm ready to finally make this change.
I write this with a smile on my face.
It really hasn't quite hit me yet that I am about to be on my own...It will soon, and I'm sure it will be a BIG smack in my face. I guess I just have so much going on, so much to pack, paint, fix, unpack, the list goes on, that i just haven't let things settle in.. my brain is too scattered right now.
But, in two weeks, things will have settled down. We will be unpacked (hopefully) and getting into our new routines, on our own. Such an exciting time.
Want a peek at our furniture we have been working on the past 3 nights?! Night 1 consisted of staining. Night 2 and 3 consisted of putting the finally clear coat on them. We will have one more night of the final waxing to finish them off. Then they will be moved to their new home!
Here is our TV stand, and part of our end tables for the living room.
This is our office desk. It's in 3 parts. Together they make one beautiful L shaped desk!!

I will be SUPER busy this weekend, but I'll give all the details on Monday morning!!
Have a great weekend everyone!
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