Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Oh the stress of Christmas

It's almost that time, you know, the happiest time of the year?

And the most stressful time, the money sucking time, the WHAT THE HELL am I going to get them time....

Don't get me wrong... I LOVE Christmas with and emphasis on LOVE...

But, boy does it get my brain scattered, and I know I am not the only one.

I'm pretty organized this year I would have to say... I have my shopping routes done (yes Black Friday, here I come) I have my lists of what I think I want to get, and I have lots of coupons (score!)

Of course I am buying for others, family and close friends, and let me just put out there that I just love getting people gifts for Christmas, it truly makes me happy to give, and I search for the best gift out there that I have put alot of thought into. So, if you are one who likes getting presents, well I am the friend to have because surely you will probably get something....

BUT this year is a little different, this year, I am buying FOR ME!

Considering that we are moving in just about 3 months, well there is alot of things we still need, so why not take advantage of all the great sales going on? This shopping year will be great! I love shopping, and I don't do it much (since im broke.) But, this year I am sucking it up and I am spending some money on myself (and the hubby, I guess since he is moving with me...) Of course I am searching for the best deals too... I also have lots of gift cards I have been hoarding for this exact moment... and I can't wait to use them. I'm not one to go spend it right away, I have to have a great purpose and a great product, I think new house items fit that perfect.

So, this year, I am excited to shop... SO EXCITED!

One week until Thanksgiving... wow that came up quick... then let the shopping games begin!

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