Friday, September 2, 2011

The Countdown Begins

22 days... that is how many I have left until my wedding... can you tell I am a little excited?

I figured since we are officially in the month that we are getting married I can begin my countdown. It is not longer like 146 days... its 22. So, prepare to see this on every post:

This weekend we are going to do the paper work for our marriage license.. yippee! We are also picking up my wedding band, because it finally came in! I am going to be so bummed I can't wear it for another 3 weeks, it is so gorgeous! Were also doing a few odds and end things as well, like buying the chuck taylors that my fiance wants all the boys to wear for the ceremony... whatever he wants, as long as he is comfortable! Besides, I think they will look pretty sharp!

This morning I read a post by Katie over on ThePoopWhisperer. Take a look, its a blog for moms from moms... and yes I know, I am not a mom yet, but their posts are funny, and give me good info for the future. So, all you current moms, or soon to be moms, take a look, or all you non moms like me that just like to read good stuff head on over, they have a few moms with great advice that rotate on posts.

Anyway, the post was on bringing your child to a chiropractor, and it got me actually thinking of myself. For a long time now I have been wanting to go to one, just never really got around to it. I actually thought it would cost like a fortune or something, but after talking to a few people I have found that it really won't. So, I'm thinking about going to one, because I am pretty damn sure I am all out of whack, and have been for a long time. Constant back and neck pains, plus the fact I have a mild case of scoliosis, and that doesn't help, it probably is the root cause. I'm hoping that I can find someone to help get rid of all the pain, and in the end hopefully get rid of some other problems I have like headaches, and sleeping problems. Now, i just have to find a good, reputable Dr. Time to start doing some research....

Have a great Labor Day weekend everyone!!


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